Be realistic about your initial list price. I think it is better if your house is worth $300 400k compared to $600k +.Make sure your place looks like new. Fill the holes. To quote a couple lines from my paper, “Ultimately, the research conducted in this paper points to a much larger and critical problem with electronic voting in general: even if a protocol is theoretically secure, there is no guarantee or way to effectively prove that the system used for voting is in fact implementing the protocol correctly and has not been compromised.” Thus while we can often make strong guarantees around the security of a chosen implementation, it is impossible to guarantee that the correct implementation is being used, or used correctly. Even if we employ a third party to verify this, how can we guarantee that this third party is honest?With blockchain based voting specifically, you could either use a private or public blockchain, the former theoretically being more difficult to manipulate and easier to verify publicly. The problem that arises is that we would need to allow the voter to verify that their vote has been cast and captured correctly in the blockchain, but this then allows the voter to reveal his vote to others (and selling of votes becomes an issue).
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