Pursuant to the NWT Community Planning and Development Act, a by law to adopt canada goose outlet or amend a Zoning By law, General Plan or Development Scheme requires formal Public Notice and a Statutory canada goose outlet jackets Public Hearing. Formal Public Notice is undertaken by advertising the proposed by law within the City https://www.fcvfrankfurt.de Capital Update Newsletter for two weeks prior canada goose factory sale to the Public Hearing. Residents receive cheap Canada Goose a copy of the newsletter once a week in their post box and it is also posted online on the City website.All Statutory Public Hearings for proposed by laws will Canada Goose Outlet be conducted during a regular or special meeting of Council and will be held after First Reading of the by law and before Second Reading.Residents may participate in the Public Hearing by way of written submission or cheap canada goose verbal presentation canada goose outlet toronto factory at the Statutory Public Hearing. of the Wednesday preceding the Statutory Public Hearing. Any person wishing to goose outlet canada make a verbal submission should contact the Office of the City Clerk before noon on the day of the hearing and provide his or her name and whether or not he or canada goose outlet she canada goose factory outlet will be speaking in favour of or against the proposed by law. Any person wishing to make a verbal canada goose outlet parka submission at a Statutory Public Hearing who has not notified the Office of the City Clerk as required may speak after all those persons who have given notification have spoken.Once the Presiding Officer has closed a Statutory Public Hearing with respect to the proposed by law, no additional official canada goose outlet submissions shall be considered by Council, except at an canada goose uk outlet additional Public Hearing called by Council in accordance with the Council Procedures By law.Following the closing of a Statutory Public Hearing wherein no submissions in opposition to the proposed by law, nor any submissions recommending an amendment to the proposed by law, are received Council may canada goose outlet black friday consider the submissions received (if any), debate the merits of the proposed by law and proceed with Second Reading.Following the closing of a Statutory Public Hearing wherein one or more submissions in opposition to the proposed by law are received, or any submission recommending an amendment to the proposed by law is received, Council shall defer its consideration of the canada goose outlet store submissions received, any debate of the merits of the proposed by law, and Second Reading of it, to a subsequent meeting. Council may, by resolution, direct Administration to prepare a summation of the points raised during the Statutory Public Hearing. Notwithstanding this, Council may by resolution:consider the submissions received, debate, if it deems advisable, the merits of the proposed by law and proceed with Second Reading at the meeting in which the Statutory Public Hearing was conducted;consider the submissions received and debate, if it deems advisable, the merits of the proposed by law at the meeting canada goose black friday sale in which the Statutory Public Hearing was conducted, and refer the proposed by law to Administration with direction to draft an amendment to the proposed by law; Canada Goose sale orrefer the proposed by law back to Administration. September 27 October 1 in the Lower Centre Square Mall, near the entrance to the Yellowknife Public Library with independent business owners, local heroes, community groups and neighbourhood residents buy canada goose jacket cheap reflecting Yellowknife main street history.The Tale of a Town is a nationwide theatre and canada goose outlet uk media initiative aiming to capture the collective community memory of Canada main streets, one story at a time. This cultural project has been touring the country, visiting small towns and big canada goose uk black friday cities alike, collecting oral histories through interviews that inspire the creation of performances and podcasts.Heritage Committee heard about Canada Goose Parka this initiative and thought it would be a wonderful opportunity for Yellowknifers to participate and share a part of our history with the rest of the country, said Julian Morse, City of Yellowknife Heritage Committee Chairperson.Tales gathered during these interviews will inspire the creation of a multi media performance in downtown Yellowknife. This piece will be created in collaboration with local artists and The Tale of a Town team and will feature live performance and recorded stories from Yellowknifers. Performances will take place on October 14.